01.11.2011 < | home | >

"There's a Wii game I want. I want it for Christmas."
"Okay, sure. What's it called?"
"It's called 'Just Dance.' "
" 'Just Dance?' "
"Yup, 'Just Dance.' I was at a friend's place and she had it."
"Never heard of it."
"It's really fun! I was having a blast with it."
"Alright, alright. So, 'Just Dance' for the Wii, right?"
"Okay, mom."

I'm starting to see the tell-tale signs of aging for the first time. Before I would always joke about "getting old," but now it's getting a little too real for me. From needing a solid 7 hours minimum of sleep to minor lower back pains and parent-to-child role reversals like having to buy a game for my mom and not knowing what the hip, "in" games are myself, the wheels of time are spinning and taking me to a whole, new world.

A whole old world is more like it, hahahahaha.