10.17.2011 < | home | >

This is female.

This is female with perm.

Today, the girlfriend got a perm. She looks very pretty and I like her hair. I told her such.
I am sincere and honest with my opinions of her, but I understand she can't help but think I am only saying such things out of obligation. Being sensible she comes to terms and accepts that she can do nothing to determine the truth in my opinion about her perm. I myself come to terms that I can't take away the little bit of doubt that clouds her mind regarding my opinion about her perm.

Ah well. You can't win them all.

Hairy situations aside (hahahaha!), I am convinced that she thoroughly enjoys my cooking even when the absolute truth is that my cooking is below average. I have no doubt in my mind that even though her food tastes so much better than mine, she finds every bite of my pitiful attempt to be tasty and satisfying.
There is no lying in this girl's eyes, there is no uncertainty in her genuine smile.
Colons and parenthesis have nothing on her.