10.18.2008 < | home | >

When I'm in a relatively good mood, I tend to talk to myself outloud. Not every single thought, but just some random things here and there that slip out of my mind in an audible form.
What brought about my relatively good mood for today probably had something to do with my being able to fix a minor automobile problem. As I drove home from work, I was stuck behind a slow driver and was able to pass her when the single lane road finally split into two separate lanes. During this whole ordeal, I spoke aloud the following:

"Red light, red light, red light, red light, red light, oh my God you are a slow, slow driver.
"I will pick whichever lane you are not in, lady. And I assume you are a lady.
"Hmm, a Hyundai SUV...could you even be an asian driver?
"...AHH HAHAHA! Ohhhh, man what are the odds."