03.17.2010 < | home | >

Certain car wash places are set up where the customer must step out of his vehicle while the actual wash is taking place. Most of these certain car washes are also set up so that the customer can walk alongside his vehicle in a long corridor with windows in between for viewing purposes. And even still, some of most of these certain car washes have employees hand dry the vehicle with towels.

I would hate to be one of those employees under the watchful eyes of all the customers behind them glass windows. What am I, some kind of animal at a zoo exhibit? Watching me like I'm in some sort of natural habitat where I go about my normal business?
Or worse yet, maybe it's similar to the pressure a surgeon faces when he's performing surgery in front of family members. Oops, my hand slipped; I accidently shattered your windshield whilst drying your car with my towel. Or, hey, this isn't a towel at all! Who handed me sandpaper?! Why do I realize this only after I completely roughed up your car? I'm sorry, Mr Smith, but we lost little Honda today. No, I'm not insured, I work at a car wash, you idiot.